Hi folks, AR (Accelerated Reader) is up and running. The rule for taking tests on summer books is you may take as many tests as you like, but remember, if you fail one -- you have to stop taking the tests and go back to reading! And, of course, like always, we do expect you to have read the entire book yourself in order to take the test. If you are new to AR or have questions that have never been answered -- have no fear! Our librarian, Kerstin Sisco will be conducting an evening informational session about how the Accelerated Reader program works. It is upcoming, so stay tuned.
The library will open to students in grades 1-5 on August 18th, and the Kindergarteners will get to come for the 1st time beginning on September 15th. It looks like it's going to be a great year for reading!!
The Library's annual volunteer brunch will take place on 8/27 at 8:30 am in the library. If you're an old friend or a new recruit, come in -- share some conversation, some food and sign up to help us out! Contact Aly Army (alykitt@hotmail.com) or Susan Eaves (4eaves@bellsouth.net) for more information.